Due to the EU GDPR compliance issue and the Online Safety Bill the old forum is now closed.
Where is the Old Forum?
12 responses to “Where is the Old Forum?”
And it looks like the new forum is closed as well – all the topics are gone. Maybe it’s because it wasn’t as popular as the old one.
And now I can’t even log in.
Or access my account – my username isn’t at the top anymore (the above comment is mine – I just forgot to put my user name).
Not quite sure why it is closed and can’t be relaunched????
The old forum probably isn’t coming back, ever. Before it was snipped to this postage stamp of a not-even paragraph, the original “Where is the Old Forum?” post mentioned that the old forum was shuttered for various reasons, the Online Safety Bill being one of them.
As for this site? I’ve no clue. It’s barely a blog, not nearly as interactive as the old forum…the old quantum Magic 8 Ball is coming up “outlook not good” with every shake.
I still don’t really get it.
what is it about the EU rules or online safety bill that means the forum can’t happily operate as it did?
many other forums do.
Given that he’s selling the website out of what I can only suspect is sheer apathy towards the former user base of the old forum, I suspect that F.O.R.U.M. isn’t long for this world. In fact, I would be quite surprised if this thing goes past its one year anniversary, or even makes it to said anniversary at all. This place has absolutely zero heart to it, no effort at all to cater to anyone who loved and contributed to the old forum. It feels less like a community and more like a hermetically sealed environment for an experiment. A poor substitute for a forum that had a seventeen-year history.
Anniversary of the forum’s closure yesterday, and not a thing done here to mark the event. No tribute, no new post, nothing. Our glorious admin treating it like it was nothing serious, like deleting a file or turning off a computer. Utterly disgraceful. Way to disrespect the history of a forum that lasted for seventeen years…then again, he’s putting the whole website up for a fire sale, probably to finance his dream of churning out more A.I. slop to clog our bandwidth and bury actual art made by actual people. This whole thing is so impersonal, it just reeks of apathy and disinterest.
Nothing to commemorate the anniversary of the blog’s start? Really? It was a week ago today, and our glorious admin didn’t even bother to grace us with a new post.
The apathy here is off the scale.
This is, quite simply, pathetic. The blog has been left as a ghost-town after the disastrous attempt at implementing an outdated version of the timeline of the far-superior Forum, the only “thread” still available to be posted in is the one demanding explanations as to where that revered forum has gone, and the vast majority of information formerly available to the already-dwindling user base of this wretched blog has been pared down to be almost indecipherable. And of course, the administration of this dying husk of a site has decided to pawn it off onto whoever is willing to pay the asking price, in which case the entire site – forum included – will likely be turned into an ad-ridden mess.
Congratulations, administrator. You’ve taken something that was good, if a bit flawed, something that was revered and loved by many, and butchered it into a pale shadow of what it used to be. Utterly pathetic. If you had any shred of decency in whatever you possess that passes for a heart, you’d just shut down this waste of bandwidth. Your explanation for why the forum was shut down falls apart under even the loosest scrutiny, and your attempt at selling the website shows you to be apathetic, fickle and unconcerned with the needs of the many.
You, sir, are a master of precisely nothing.
give us back the forum babes xx
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